Searching for subject "Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften" in books hits 404 entries


Daniel ¿Pelda
The Origins of the Idea of Scientific Progress

This volume offers a new interpretation of the genesis of the idea of scientific progress in early modern science and philosophy. The interpretation argues that the idea of scientific progress was not a h…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 153.32*

Tony Allen, Marcus Weeks, Jack Challoner, Julian Emsley
Meilensteine der Wissenschaft

Wissenschaft im Zeitraffer Ob unsere Vorfahren, die das Feuer entdeckten, oder bahnbrechende Errungenschaften in Medizin, Chemie oder Physik: Wissenschaft und Forschung prägen die Geschichte der Menschh…

available for immediate delivery
EUR 29.95*

Eva Amsen
Biology 100 Ideas in 100 Words

"One of the titles in a cutting-edge new series created in partnership with The Science Museum, this book introduces 100 key areas of biology such as life processes, evolution, DNA and inheritance, divers…

deliverable within 1-2 weeks
EUR 17.45*

Anil Ananthaswamy
Why Machines Learn

'An invaluable companion for anyone who wants a deep understanding of what's under the hood of often inscrutable machines' Melanie Mitchell A rich, narrative explanation of the mathematics that has broug…

available for immediate delivery
EUR 31.10*

Günther Anders
Der Blick vom Mond

Beck'sche Reihe -volume 1056

"Der Titel für die nachstehenden Überlegungen lautet: 'Der Blick vom Mond' - womit die Hauptthese der Schrift formuliert wird, nämlich die, daß das entscheidende Ereignis der Raumflüge nicht in der Erreic…

available for immediate delivery
EUR 18.00*

Warwick Anderson
Spectacles of Waste

The modern bathroom is an ingenious compilation of locked doors, smooth porcelain, 4-ply tissue and antibacterial hand soap, but despite this miracle of indoor plumbing, we still can't bear the thought th…

deliverable within 1-2 weeks
EUR 82.10*

João Paulo André,
Sisters of Prometheus

This monograph explores the participation of women in alchemy, chemical crafts, and the early stages of modern chemistry. By contextualizing their achievements within the broader social, cultural, and sci…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 49.78**
EUR 44.80*

João Paulo André,
Sisters of Prometheus

This comprehensive book portrays the long-overdue recognition of women's work in chemistry, which only materialized with their late access to universities. Besides describing their scientific triumphs, it…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 44.80*

Alessandro De Angelis
Galileo and the 1604 Supernova

This book is about the 1604 supernova and presents the translation of key documents discussing this astronomical event in Italy. Only seven Galactic supernovae visible to the naked eye are documented, wit…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 54.75*

Jim Baggott, John L. Heilbron
Quantum Drama

Quantum mechanics is an extraordinarily successful scientific theory. It is also completely baffling. From the moment of its inception, its founders struggled to understand its meaning. This struggle was …

available for immediate delivery
EUR 28.09*

David P Baker, Justin J W Powell
Global Mega-Science

"Never has the world been as rich in scientific knowledge as it is today. But what are its main sources? In accessible and engaging fashion, Global Mega-Science examines the origins of unprecedented growt…

deliverable within 1-2 weeks
EUR 163.55*

David P Baker, Justin J W Powell
Global Mega-Science

"Never has the world been as rich in scientific knowledge as it is today. But what are its main sources? In accessible and engaging fashion, Global Mega-Science examines the origins of unprecedented growt…

deliverable within 1-2 weeks
EUR 41.67*

Philip Ball,

Eine spannende Reise durch die Welt der experimentellen Naturwissenschaft. Vom Foucaultschen Pendel bis zum DNA-Origami. Erfolgsautor Philip Ball garantiert fundierte und spannende Lektüre. Wie groß ist …

available for immediate delivery
EUR 38.00*

Robert W. Baloh
Brain Electricity

This book traces the intertwining story of electricity and neuroscience from ancient times to the late 20th century. Throughout the book, basic concepts of electricity, electromagnetism, and neuroscience …

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 219.03*

Mike Barfield,
Die erste Achterbahn der Welt und andere erstaunliche Erfindungen

Rekordverdächtige Erfindungen aus der ganzen Welt, die in keinem Geschichtsbuch vorkommen Die in diesem witzigen Sachbuch für Kinder vorgestellten Erfindungen machen einfach Spaß, vor allem, weil sie all…

available for immediate delivery
EUR 18.00*

David Barrado Navascués
Cosmography in the Age of Discovery and the Scientific Revolution

This book tells the comprehensive history of cosmography from the 15th Century Age of Discovery onward. During this time, cosmography a science that combined geography and astronomy to inform us about our…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 175.23*

Michael Batty
The Computable City

"A history of how computers are being used to simulate cities which in turn are increasingly being built from those same computers which are being embedded into the city's social and economic fabric"--

available for immediate delivery
EUR 50.88*

Martin Beech
William Frederick Denning

This book provides a detailed biographical account of the industrious late nineteenth-century astronomer William Frederick Denning who, in later life, rose to be a celebrated public figure and a highly re…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 39.83*

Peter Bellwood
The Five-Million-Year Odyssey

The epic story of human evolution, from our primate beginnings more than five million years ago to the agricultural eraOver the course of five million years, our primate ancestors evolved from a modest po…

lieferbar in mind. 4 Wochen
EUR 25.00*

Ermanno Bencivenga
The Logic of Mysticism

This book reconciles the worlds of mysticism and logic, building on the author's previous groundbreaking work in oceanic logic. Historically, the seemingly distinct domains of mysticism and logic have bee…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 120.46*
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